Media Outlet Dashboard

Media Outlet Dashboard


Ruby on Rails web application that displays the latest social media feeds from professional North American League of Legends players. The purpose of this app is to increase fanbase awareness of pro players’ latest news updates.


To increase fanbase awareness of pro players’ latest news updates

User Experience

Given any pro player summoner name, LoLProMediaOutlet queries the NALCS database to check if the player exists and is currently playing in the summer split tournament. If player exists, LoLProMediaOutlet will then make API calls to several social media servers, collect relevant information, and organize the data into a single web page.


Players without Facebook accounts will display error. Database is manually created for NALCS summer split. Since new players come and go, this web application will have to be updated often. Lots of API calls from WEBrick’s single threaded server causes a long web page loading time.

Future plans

Run a multi-threaded environment to speed up loading time Automate process to get new players into database Correctly handle players without all social media profiles Expand this gaming web application to other industries (i.e. NFL football players)


Matthew Ly, Dhruv Seth

Written on March 6, 2015